Regardless, it’s important to know what the symbols mean on your iPhone, especially the more ambiguous ones so that you can make the necessary changes.In this guide, I will cover some of the most asked about iPhone symbols meanings and indications, I will provide steps on how to see a ...
What to do if orange or green dot appears randomly on iPhone If you see the orange or green dot randomly appear on your iPhone, it might just be a bug in the current version of iOS you have installed on your iPhone. Here are a few solutions that I recommend you to try. 1. Update ...
5.Three Vertical Dots Icon on a Shorts Video:The three-dotted icon on the top-right corner of a Shorts video reveals settings like reporting, expressing disinterest, and providing feedback to YouTube about your preferences. Meaning of Symbols and Icons in Video Preview 1.Speaker Symbol With Sl...
Live Photo - when camera is open it continually takes video until you tap the camera take button, then it saves 3 seconds before and 3 seconds after tapping the button. White is off, yellow is on Reply of 1 What do the camera symbols mean on my Phone 6 model number A1549?Welcome ...
9. WhatsApp Delivery Symbols Meaning Single Grey Tick:Message has been sent from your end but it’s yet to be delivered to the recipient. Two Grey Ticks:Message has been delivered but hasn’t been seen yet. Two Blue Ticks:Thedreadful blue ticksmean that the message has been seen by the...
What does the phone symbol in top right corner of the control center mean? 4 years ago 758 1 What do these symbols mean? What do these symbols mean on iPhone photo while viewing it from an iPhone? 2 years ago 2585 5 What is the orange dot in the status bar on iPhone SE? Wh...
Here’s our guide to various iOS symbols so you know what they mean.Updated, 3rd April 2014 What does it mean when an iPhone screen is showing… a lightning bolt symbol? A little lightning bolt on the very righthand side of the status bar means the iPhone is charging. ...
What Do the Symbols and Icons Mean on Tinder? Tinder is so popular that it is almost becoming the synonym for dating apps. You can find possible matches nearby by just swiping. But in order to get the most out of Tinder, you must be familiar with the different icons and symbols that ...
Corey Protin
There are symbols on some of the character cards (Diamond, Swirly). I can't find any reference to them in the rules or player aids. What do they mean? 4 Give GeekGold Tip Reply Quote More Options User actions menu HERMANN LUTTMANN Designer @HORST324 Jun 20, 2011 Congatulations, Kim!