Let's take a look at all of the Pride flags—including all of the gay and LGBTQ+ flags—and the Pride flags' meanings behind each of them.
To people with Pagan beliefs that trace back to old Celtic or Druid ideas, the triquetra symbolizes interconnected natural forces or the cycle of life. Regardless of the exact meaning, the connecting idea is the concept of three in one, or the interconnectedness of elements. Read What is a ...
Tom Joad's common name reflects his everyman status, while his father's shared name suggests contrasting traits. Muley Graves symbolizes stubbornness and death. Jim Casy's initials evoke Jesus Christ, representing sacrifice. Noah and Connie Rivers hint at biblical and deceptive themes, respectiv...
On October 2, you’ll experience a final Libra Solar Eclipse (the next is in nine years), which symbolizes a checkpoint in a major personal cycle which began back in April 2023. It’ll be worth journaling on the themes or events which arose around that time and reflecting on how they...
This is another color that represents something completely different in the Chinese culture, compared with the Western ones. While someone from the West would say that purple is the color of royalty, luxury, ambition, and nobility, things are pretty different in China. Here, purple symbolizes ...
Dharmachakra mudra, used by Buddha during his first sermon following his enlightenment, represents continuous flow of energy.Dharmachakrais a Sanskrit word which means “the wheel ofdharma.” Themudraalso symbolizeskalachakra, which refers to the time cycles. ...
A traditional wedding flower,lily of the valleysymbolizeshappiness. These dainty, bell-shaped florets with their leafy shoots can communicate a range of messages and themes under the umbrella of happiness: sweetness, humility, tears of the Virgin Mary, and more specifically, "you've made my life...
a因为侦探每天都在和罪犯打交道十分刺激,侦探也象征这正义并且我也很崇拜福尔摩斯 Because spies in has to do every day with the criminal stimulates extremely, and the spying also symbolizes this justice I also very much to worship Sherlock Holmes[translate] ...
Please know that your symbol of “southern heritage and pride” symbolizes something else to me and other African Americans: terror and fear. It’s pathetic that it took the massacre of nine African Americans by a white supremacist who had bought the lies that the Confederate flag is just a...
The English started noting sterling standard about 500 years ago, Nelson explains. And the hallmarks don't just denote sterling-ness, they also detail where and when the silver was made. For example, a lion's head hallmark symbolizes that the sterling is English, but where it was made is ...