当看到Peter做出一些出乎意料的事情时,人们可能会用这句话来表达对Peter能力的惊讶或不解。例如,当Peter完成了一项看似不可能完成的任务时,别人可能会惊讶地问:“What can Peter do? He just finished that impossible task!” 在社交场合中,这句话也可以用于开启话题或引导...
1. A piece of cloth, usually rectangular, of distinctive color and design, used as a symbol, standard, signal, or emblem. 2. National or other allegiance, as symbolized by a flag: ships of the same flag. 3. A ship carrying the flag of an admiral; a flagship. 4. A marking device,...
It delivers where it counts. If you're the type who's tired of playing roulette with random ad platforms and you just want traffic that does something, this is a solid choice. Sure, there are quirks (what doesn't have quirks? ), but if you're willing to ride the wave, you might ...
Restaurants: Are They Safe? (But Not What You Think)Tabbot, PeterApha
It was a very hot afternoon,and we decided to cool off in the river near my home. As we climbed down a small rocky hill toward the water,my boyfriend John suddenly started to shout,then jumped into the water below. Peter and Mary quickly followed but I was too far away to jump. I...
Yes,itis.Petersaid,butIalwayswalktoworkinthemorningandIwalkhomeintheafternoon.LastweekIsavedsixpenceeveryday,butnowIsavetwopenceless. 1.c2.m3.a4.b5.G___ 一词汇:BACBD句型语法:DCDDABDABC 二.teachersbetterdifferentfiremenworkers 三.wouldn’tliketeachesusWhydo 四五完型BCCDD 首字母closedminuteangrybad...
Peter Mortensen The article What every programmer absolutely, positively needs to know about encodings and character sets to work with text explains all the details. Writing to buffer if you write to a 4 byte buffer, symbol あ with UTF8 encoding, your binary will look like this: 00000000 ...
We love Instagram and all that it does for our businesses. But you might not be aware of some (or any) of the limits Instagram actually imposes on its site. For a variety of reasons, Instagram caps numerous functions on their site. And to make sure you d
He's found bunch of stuff... A funny symbol there, a weird key combination here. He's real good But sometimes... I really want to smash his face Link to site: http://bash.org.ru/comics/20080111 [1] http://bash.org/ [2] http://bash.org.ru(...
RPF Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect, I adore them both Summary: Written too late for sweetjamielee’s 2012 Summer Ficathon, from the anonymous prompt: Archie/Jill: rehearsing "the scene" Author’s note: The Emmy is a winged woman holding an atom symbolising the union of creative muse and...