Osama says "And Moses" etc, but yet Surah 1 says the same thing with Allah. Would he know say that this isn't from God? Using his own criteria against him, he woul have to. Look at more of the highlighted parts. Since Muslims believe that the Quran is totally from Allah using ...
After Fajr, your brain is truly like a sponge and it is the best time to memorize verses from the Quran :). 5.30AM – 6.00am: Fajr Salat & Dhikr If you are a brother, and can get to a mosque no matter how far – go for it! The beauty of praying Fajr in the masjid is hard...
After a day or 2 i started to feel completely normal again , infact better than l was b4 . Allhumdillah all the black magic just left like that!! I read manzil dua twice a day , pray all my 5 compulsory prayers and also try my best to read surah yasin 3 times a day. I have ...
” (Surah Al-Mu’minun 23:91)[19] Expert Q&A Ask a Question Submit Video Tips Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published Submit You Might Also Like How toPerform Wudu What Are the Ten Rules of Islam? How toPerform Ghusl After Menstruation How...
“Do not prostrate to the sun or the moon, but prostrate to Allah, Who created them all, if you truly worship Him alone” (Surah 41:37).[11] “Always remember the Name of your Lord morning and evening, and prostrate before Him during part of the night, and glorify Him long at ni...
After Fajr, your brain is truly like a sponge and it is the best time to memorize verses from the Quran :). 5.30AM – 6.00am: Fajr Salat & Dhikr If you are a brother, and can get to a mosque no matter how far – go for it! The beauty of praying Fajr in the masjid is hard...