Stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland by binding to a receptor on the surface of the cells of the thyroid (G protein -coupled receptors).TSH is stimulated by TRH hormone of the hypothalamus and is inhibited by Somatostatin hormone, as well as by thyroid hormones ...
Release of which hormone is necessary to promote the secretion of cortisol? Which of the following is an example of a glucocorticoid: A. Epinephrine B. Glucagon C. Aldosterone D. Cortisol If there is secondary hypersecretion of corticotropin-releasing hor...
Testosterone production in the interstitial cells of Leydig is stimulated by: a) Follicle-stimulating hormone b) Relaxin c) Inhibin d) Luteinizing hormone e) Progesterone Which hormone is responsible for maturation of male sex organs? a) Growth hor...
What stimulates ADH secretion from the posterior pituitary? Pituitary Gland: Known as the "master gland", the pituitary gland contains two sections: the anterior, and the posterior pituitary. This section of the pituitary functions mostly in the release of hormones, such as anti-diuretic hormone ...
What is the hormone that has the kidney tubule as its target tissue?What area of the renal tubule system does most secretion occur?Which is not a function of the urinary system? a. To control the level of wastes in the blood. b. To regulate the level of electrolytes ...
What is a hormone? What do hormones do for the cells and tissues of the body? What hormone promotes an increase in the activity of osteoclasts? a. Testosterone. b. Parathyroid hormone (PTH). c. Calcitonin. d. Estrogen. What triggers the secretion of the hormone renin by the juxtaglomerul...
When the blood becomes hypertonic (too many solutes), ADH is released. What is the effect of ADH on the kidney tubules? Describe how ADH secretion during water loading changes during urine production and osmolarity. Explain the effects of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on the function of the kidney...
What are the effects of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on the body? Explain why an increase in thyroid hormone generally leads to a decrease in TSH secretion? Which gland does aldosterone originate from? Describe its major effects. Fill in ...
Before puberty, bone growth is stimulated mainly by the hormone: a. calcitonin b. testosterone c. estrogen d. human growth hormone e. PTH The ___ secretes growth hormone, which is also known as somatotropin. A. posterior pituitary B. anterio...
The formation of urine involves three stages (glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion) which occur in the nephrons of kidneys. The hormones that highly regulate the production and concentration of urine are aldosterone and antidiuret...