Which of the Five Civilized Tribes sided with the Union? What was Hiawatha's influence on the Iroquois Confederacy? What tribes lived on the Blackfoot reservation? What did the Iroquois hunt? What states did the Five Civilized Tribes live in?
What is the Iroquois Trail? What states did the Oregon Trail go through? What was the Trail of Tears like for the Cherokee? What was the route of the Oregon Trail? What did children do on the Oregon Trail? What was the Trail of Tears about?
All give thanks together for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become...
Many states, as well as locations within states, have names that are derived from the indigenous people who were the original occupants of the land. Names like 'Mississippi' and 'Connecticut' come from the languages of the Dakota Sioux and Mohican Indian tribes, respectively. ...
It was a time of Indigenous people's resistance to colonial projects, including wars and shifting alliances, such as Pontiac's Rebellion and the Iroquois Confederacy. Though the initial source of violent disenfranchisement was overseas imperialism, in the 19th century, it shifted to expansionism ...
You are not what you do—just like you aren't what you drive, wear, or live in. There is a third stage of life—the one after the kids leave home and you stop working for pay—that you should prepare for and enjoy. Take your vacation and ask for more; there are some things that...
The text begins by noting that the creation of man was intentional and specific. Man was not an afterthought or accident. In face scripture states that man was “very good.” Scripture also notes that the creation of man was not an evolutionary event, given that this theory would deny the...
they traded buffalo hides and other valuables for corn and other vegetables they needed. They also ate various kinds of beans and squash, as did many of the Native American tribes. Another popular food was timpsila, a turnip the Lakota harvested in the summer and dried so they could use it...
first families and clans who crossed the land bridge from Asia, or arrived by sea, finding a humanly uninhabited continent. More recently, some Indigenous have even practiced genocide in their colonization. The Aztecs and Haudenausonee (Iroquois) are notable examples which have been well ...
But in North America there is an older law, a law that predates the creation of the United States and Canada, that is rarely discussed; and that is the Great Law of Peace. The Great Law of Peace is the oral Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy. The original five member nations ratifi...