What state is Fort Sumter located in? What part of North America did Champlain explore? What did the Manhattan Project create? What is the Synod of Whitby? What was the Iroquois Confederacy based on? What is the longhouse in the Iroquois Confederacy?
What is Jamestown? What were the houses made of in New England colony? What is the Plymouth Rock made out of? What state is Jamestown in? What country entered the American Revolution on the side of the 13 colonies? What did Squanto do for the Pilgrims?
but was relatively quiet–except for the loud plumbing (I could hear every flush and shower from adjoining rooms) and the fact that it’s located on the airport’s flight path. I’m definitely older than
It’s located 1 ½ miles east of Elkton, SD, just barely over the Minnesota state line. Whether you call it a South Dakota restaurant or a Minnesota restaurant, just don’t call me late to eat here. This is a true ‘supper club.’ Entrees include a complimentary relish tray. ...
It would take a long drive, a very long train ride, a brutally long bus ride or a health challenging airplane ride followed by short boat ride to reach the park which is located in San Francisco Bay. A much better option is a visit to the Eastern State Penitentiary (2027 Fairmount Ave...
New York State Police Homicide Victim: Fleury, Marie H. Basic Information Race:White Gender:Female Age:64 Height:5' 7" Eyes:Brown On October 17, 2002, at approximately 7:30pm, Marie Fleury was found murdered in her residence located on ST-37 near the intersection of ST-122, in the tow...
The parade, which is one of the festival’s showcase events, is slated to get underway at 1 p.m. On May 19, the Chesmont Astronomical Society will host a “Star Party” at French Creek State Park (843 Park Road, Elverson,http://www.chesmontastro.org). The public is welcome and ...
The Pilgrims: A Neglected Corner of US History ; American Schools Teach Plymouth Rock and the Revolutionary War. but What about the Years in Between?When the Pilgrims held what we now call the First Thanksgiving in1621, they had more to be...Dotinga, Randy...
Here is what we have so far in Wyoming. Thanks to theSouth Dakota Secretary of State's Officefor the info: State Flag Getty/Thinkstock State Flag The South Dakota State Flag features the state seal surrounded by a golden sun in a field of sky blue ...
6. Plymouth, Massachusetts – 1620 Yet another Massachusetts city, Plymouth can trace its roots back to 1620. The site of the infamous Plymouth Rock served as thefirst establishment for Pilgrimsmaking the journey from England. They settled the land and, over the course of the next 400 years,...