If you're training an English-to-Spanish system that uses a phrase dictionary and you specify SQL server in the source file and Microsoft SQL Server in the target file. When you request the translation of a sentence that contains the phrase SQL server, Custom Translator matches the d...
They are currently carrying out four national advocacy campaigns with the same initial approach for each country, then tailored activities depending on the specific state of the law, the skills the partner has, and how these can be adapted to the situation in the country. The steps are as fol...
In the U.S., a CV is mainly used in academia, medicine, and law. In other words: where research, publications, presentations, conferences, and fellowships matter most. If you’re looking for a job outside of these areas, you’ll most likely have to write aresume for a job. Additiona...
she asked students with different home languages how to say the word in their own language and to write the word on the board. In some cases, the students recognized that the word in their language was a cognate or an English word. For example, the Spanish wordsconoandcilinderare cognates...
A Navigo Week Pass is valid from Monday at 00:00 to Sunday 23:59:59. Navigo Decouverte card from 2014-2018 You can buy Navigo week pass for the current week up until Thursday, midnight. Next week’s Navigo card week pass is on sale from Friday morning onwards. (In the past, the Na...
facedthenumberoneteaminthestate.Ifeltthat itwouldbea 56 forusevenifwelostthe game.Butthatwasn?twhathappened.Myboys beatthebestteamin Georgia,giving meoneof thegreatest 57 ofmylife! FromtheexperienceIlearnedalotabout howtheattitudeoftheleadercan 58 the membersofateam.Insteadofseeingmyboysas losers,I...
C#: Fixed GitHub issue #947 where no speech input could leave your app in a bad state. Java: Fixed GitHub Issue #997 where the Speech SDK for Java 1.16 crashes when using DialogServiceConnector without a network connection or an invalid subscription key. Fixed a crash when abruptly stopping...
This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game. What Remains of Edith Finch is a collection of strange tales about a family in Washington state. As Edith, you’ll explore the colossal
Arizona State University Experts say that a key benefit for Hispanic students attending an HSI is a sense of belonging. As the Hispanic population has grown in the U.S. in recent decades, with it has come the emergence of Hispanic Serving Institutions. ...
A hero hailing from Puerto Rico and a cultural phenomenon in the Latine community, astrologer/actor/dancer/writer/television personality Walter Mercado was undoubtedly one of the most fascinating people on the planet. For decades, Mercado hosted an astrological prediction show on Spanish speaking cable...