the unification of Japan by Oda Nobunaga's capture of Kyoto in 1568, or Tokugawa Ieyasu's victory at the Battle of Sekigahara (1600), his foundation of the new Tokugawa Shogunate (1603), or his final victory over the last loyalists to the previous Toyotomi government at the Siege of Osaka...
The Tokugawa Shogunate was a military government that ruled over Japan for over 260 years from 1603 until 1868. After the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, against another powerful warrior Ishida Mitsunari and other Western forces, Ieyasu Tokugawa received ultimate power and wealth. In 1603 he was of...
The game is called2 Minutes to Midnightand is designed by Stuart Tonge who designedBlue Water Navyfor Compass Games in 2019 and has now started up a new board game publishing company called Plague Island Games.2 Minutes to Midnightis a strategic scale game about the Cold War – it covers ...