The Black Lives Matter protests. The movement in and of itself is wonderful: uplifting a struggling, oppressed race. It’s also worth mentioning that these gatherings didn’t start out violent: they were initially peaceful and full of love and teamwork. An example of this? The protest that t...
an unarmed black 17-year-old who Zimmerman shot and killed on February 26, 2012, in Florida. The night Zimmerman was acquitted, thousands of people started tweeting the hashtag#BlackLivesMatter, in protest of the acquittal, but also in protest of racial profiling ...
Being an ally for Black Lives Matter goes beyond an initial social media gesture, says one Black woman. Will the anti-racism stance last beyond the protests?
Poor reporting,hateful misgenderingand laws that are slow to catch up with reality all contribute to the fact that current headlines read “At Least 17Transgender Women Have Been Murdered This Year” despite many outlets accurately quoting#BlackLivesMatterand #TransLivesMatter leaders that the trans...
During a Black Lives Matter protest in St. Louis, Missouri, a couple—who were around middle age and both white—came out of their home and pointed guns at protestors. They were later dubbed "Karen and Ken." Another example where a woman could be considered a "Karen" was when Amy ...
That's how a grassroots movement responding to the very real problem of police violence directed at people of color gets reduced to two sides yelling at one another: "Black lives matter!" "No,alllives matter!" "No,blacklives matter!" ...
organized itself to support the protests as well, in an assiduous way that reveals how fans have started to think about the relationship between their pop culture loyalties and their politics. many removed his face from their avatars and replaced it with a black lives matter fist. they canceled...
's mayor has instituted a curfew through the weekend, and Gov. Andy Beshear called up the National Guard for “limited missions.” Protesters streamed through the streets, where stopped cars honked and one man leaned out a sunroof, his fist in the air and shouted, “Black lives ma...
Consumers were immediately outraged, as they felt the ad trivialized the Black Lives Matter movement and widespread protests of police brutality that were happening that year. Many interpreted the ad to say, “All it takes for us to get along is to share a can of soda,” ignoring the years...
Other progressive groups have been burdened by that label.The Black Lives Matter movement gained enormous attention with its stand against police brutality. The groupsays its work“centers on those who have been marginalized in Black liberation movements.” But the group’s name doesn’t help, say...