In the olden days before G.P.S., constellations were navigational aids for explorers. All the stars that make up the constellations are from our galaxy and are not in. There is only one star, and that is the Sun. The difference between a constellation and a galaxy is that a constellatio...
We look up today and see the stars divided into the same familiar shapes as our ancestors, but how did the constellations come to be?
A constellation is a term used to a given cluster of stars in the night sky that make up a certain shape or figure. There are a total of 88 constellations officially recorded which includes animals, people, objects, and mythological creatures. ...
What does the constellation Draco represent?Constellations:Constellations are groups of stars which form a discernible shape, pattern, or figure. There are currently 88 constellations in the sky, though in ancient times only 48 were known.Answer and Explanation: ...
Find out what you can see in the night sky for tonight, from planets and stars to dazzling meteor showers.
The constellation Draco. Basilisk Small crested arboreal lizard able to run on its hind legs; of tropical America Dragon (pejorative) A fierce and unpleasant woman; a harridan. She’s a bit of a dragon. Dragon The (historical) Chinese empire or the People's Republic of China. Napoleon alrea...
In the beginning, when they looked up at the stars, they saw a cloudy/milky area, hence the name. Our Galaxy is the Milky Way and estimated at 100,000 light-years across. The furthest galaxy that we have discovered so far is GN-z11 which is located in the constellation of Ursa ...
Both ate pretty easy to hand hold. Very easy actually. I had some great views of the Moon and the typical stars mentioned by many folks in the most recent posts. I wound up getting caught up in "do I have it perfectly locked in" scenario and spent too much time adjusting and re...
Pollux is a yellowish-orange in color and assigned as spectral class K0, meaning it is among the hottest K-class stars with a surface temperature of... See full answer below. Learn more about this topic: Gemini Constellation Lesson for Kids: Facts & Myths ...
What does the constellation Cassiopeia represent? What does the constellation Libra represent? What does the constellation Draco represent? What is the story of the Sagittarius constellation? Where did the constellation Leo come from? Which number is associated with the Orion constellation astrology signs...