How many stars are in the constellation Bootes? What constellation looks like a triangle? What is the Libra constellation? Who named the constellation Orion? What is a circumpolar star? Is Orion a winter constellation? What constellation has the Northern Cross?
What are the major stars in the constellation Pegasus? What is the difference between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor? What does Ursa Minor look like? How many stars are in the Little Dipper constellation? What are small stars called? Ursa Major, Orion, and Andromeda are fixed groups of stars ca...
The Orion constellation, is a fascinating space to see some of the different types of stars in their various stages of life. The brightest star in the Orion constellation, Rigel, is a blue supergiant about 20 times larger in mass and 100 times bigger in radius than the sun. The second br...
8 - The Stars of Orion's Belt (evening) An illustration of the stars of Orion's belt. (Image credit: Chris Vaughan/Starry Night) The three stars in Orion's belt may look the same at a glance, but they are actually quite different under closer inspection. Magnitude 1.85 Alnitak (Zeta ...
The long December night offers some excellent stars and constellations to explore. We’ve now come full circle in terms of what’s visible. Orion, the Hunter is appearing centre stage once again. The winter Milky Way flows north-south to the east of Orion, a shadow of its bright summer ...
Rigel, seen at the bottom right, in the constellation Orion the Hunter is a blue supergiant star.Luke Dodd/Science Photo Library/Getty Images What Makes a Blue Supergiant Star What it Is? Blue supergiants are born massive. Think of them as the 800-pound gorillas of the stars. Most have ...
Constellation - A group of stars visible in the sky that forms a particular pattern.Here is a complete list of 88 constellation areas defined by IAU: Andromeda, Antlia, Apus, Aquarius, Aquila, Ara, Aries, Auria, Bootes Caelum, Camelopardalis, Cancer, Canes, Venatici, Canis Major, Canis Minor...
Blue Giant Starshave spectral types O, B, A. O is a deep blue, B is more white and As is very light, bordering on white. Blue stars are the hottest stars in the universe. Red stars, immaterial of size, are the coolest stars in the universe. Onlybrown starsare cooler. Brown stars...
Two research teams used a map from NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, to uncover new findings about stars forming in Orion's iconic Horsehead Nebula. The map reveals vital details for getting a complete understanding of the d
We look up today and see the stars divided into the same familiar shapes as our ancestors, but how did the constellations come to be?