Standard Deviations:Standard deviation means a statistical measurement used to calculate the significance of items as they relate to averages, means, and outliers.
aThe commercial bank’s liquidity risk means the possibility that the commercial bank can not meet it’s client’s liquidity demand in time under the circumstances of not important cost or losing capital value. The liquidity risk management plays a very important role in commercial bank’s operati...
The standard deviation of a data set is a measurement of how close, in aggregate, its values are to the mean. The baseline from which this distance is measured is the mean of the data set. In short, a lower standard deviation means that the elements of the set are clustered mo...
explain what“1 standard deviation above the average score"means。能用英语回答就更好了, 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 "1 standard deviation above the average score" means that the observation value minus the population mean just equals to 1 standard deviation.The average score is the population ...
A low standard deviation indicates that the values are close to the Mean, while a high standard deviation Means the values are more spread out. It helps to understand the variability or consistency of the data. Together, the Mean and standard deviation give a clear picture of both the ...
Standard deviationis essentially a reflection of the amount ofvariabilitywithin a given data set. It shows the extent to which the individual data points in a data set vary from the mean. In investing, a large standard deviation means that more of your data points deviate from the norm, so...
The standard deviation of a data set is a measurement of how close, in aggregate, its values are to the mean. The baseline from which this distance is measured is the mean of the data set. In short, a lower standard deviation means that the elements of the set are clustered more closel...
The standard deviation is kind of the "mean of the mean," and often can help you find the story behind the data. To understand this concept, it can help to learn about what statisticians call "normal distribution" of data. A normal distribution of data means that most of the examples in...
2. What is standard deviation? As already mentioned, standard deviation is a descriptive statistic, which means it helps you to describe or summarize your dataset. In simple terms, standard deviation tells you, on average, how far each value within your dataset lies from the mean. A high sta...
Another potential drawback of relying on standard deviation is that it assumes abell-shaped distributionof data values. This means the equation indicates that the same probability exists for achieving values above the mean or below the mean. Many portfolios do not display this tendency, and hedge ...