While we haven’t seen these actors in quite some time, we are hopeful that the 29+ actors on this list will rebound and get their careers back in line… or that they’ve at least achieved happiness doing what they’re doing now. Spiderman's Absence You probably didn't e...
“What to text a girl to start a conversation?” We all have wondered about this at some point in our lives. After all, it is not easy to come up with interesting conversation starters when you are texting a girl. You want to learn more about her but without coming across as too des...
In other news, a new Spiderman movie comes out next month (just saw the ad on TV.) All I wanna know is why? Why is a Spiderman movie made every few years that has a different actor, a different story, and a series reboot? Iron Man is in this new one. Where was he in the oth...
A kids' Black Panther costume. 'When else are you free to let your imagination run wild and physically embody someone or something else entirely?' (Photo: www.partycity.com). As a superhero grounded in otherworldly reality, Black Panther is in the same category as Superman, Spiderman, Wonde...