第3段第1句明确指出人类是最大旳物种入侵者,其后紧随一种破折号,根据破折号旳功能,可知其后内容用于解释阐明前面旳句子,因此C项“他们迫使其他物种离开他们旳领地”为答案,选项C中旳force other species out of their territories是对原文displace the wildlife旳同义改写。
贫富差距导致的结果就是不仅出现了“富二代”,还出现了更为广泛的“穷二代”,这使得低收入劳动者的劳动积极性严重不足。我国政府在再分配领域设法破解这一难题,以下做法符合要求的有 ( ) ①多渠道增加居民财产性收入,鼓励低收入劳动者创业致富 ②加大惠农支农政策的力度,缩小城乡收入差距 ③提高城市居民...
In what sense are humans the ultimate invasive species A.They are much greedier than other species B.They are a unique species born to conquer C.They force other species out of their territories D.They have an urge to expand their living space ...
57. In what sense are humans the ultimate invasive species? C) They force other species out of their territories. 58. In what way is urbanization in poor countries good for the environment? B) The pressure on farmland will be lessened. 59. What does the author say about living comfortably...
and the Deep Origins of Consciousness. He is quite a fan of our eight-tentacled friends. On the BBC Radio 4 programme Start the Week he said that humans and the octopus have a common ancestor. This is a term in science which means ...
In what sense are humans the ultimate invasive species A.They are much greedier than other species.B.They are a unique species born to conquer.C.They force other species out of their territories.D.They have an urge to expand their living space....
surveyandinvestigationreflectthatthetreehostsmorethan50speciesofplants,including climbingplants,creepersandothertypes,showingauniqueandrichbiodiversityonthistreeandin surroundingareas,”Wangsaid. LiuTuanxi,andhisteammembersclimbedtothetoppartofthetreetocompletethesurvey. Ittookthreepeoplealmosteighthourstoreachtothe...
What Species Would Dominate If Humans Went Extinct?The Conversation
There are no hierarchies of consciousness. The idea that no person or life form can be better than another is rooted in a concept of singularity. If we thought of all species as they are—equals—we wouldn’t destroy the planet or harm other life. The enemy of humanity is divisiveness ...
Humans are peculiar as a species, so what makes them so must be hidden in their genome. To an almost disconcerting extent, though, the human genome looks similar to the genomes of other primates, especially when it comes to the particular proteins it allows cells to make. The powerful new...