A Snake in the Nest or in a Snake's Nest: What Counts as Peer Review for a Female Science Educator in a Chemistry Department? 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者: Kathryn Scantlebury 摘要: Prior to my appointment as a feminist science educator in a chemistry and biochemistry department, I...
Chimpanzeestake their sleep very seriously. Each day, a chimpanzee builds itself a new, comfortable bed to sleep in. Scientists believe chimpanzees carefully choose a tree that is strong, where they build a nest using branches and leaves. ...
We've discussed other similarities already, including feathers and the act of incubating eggs by sitting on a nest. Scientists have even discovered a fossilized skeleton in which the dinosaur's head is tucked under its wing, the same way a duck sleeps [source: Roach]. Of course, this isn'...
When a caterpillar (毛虫) pretends to be a snake to keep off potential predators (捕食者), it should probably expect to be treated like one. This is exactly what happened in Costa Rica earlier this year, when researchers witnessed a hummingbird defending its nest from wha...
Snake charmers claim that this is what they feed their snakes. I’ve also seen the argument confidently made that this can’t possibly be true, because snakes are reptiles, and only mammals drink milk. I don’t know whether snakes drink milk. I do know that the argument that they could...
What’s the difference between a crocodile growl and a crocodile roar? Can they hiss like a snake? And how do crocodiles make these sounds? Read on to learn all about the different crocodile noises and their meanings. A Surprising Array of Crocodile Sounds ...
Based on our internal check, over 2,000 items were added but a lot has been pulled from the game as well. You can check out the initial Spring Sale list items here, but for the new stuff, we have it below. PlayStation Store Spring Sale Update – New Games Added: Note: We have en...
Wed. Dec. 4, 7pm: Candace Robb will be discussing her publishing history and writing habits with JB – she’ll also be signing her 15th Owen Archer, A Snake in the Barley –Third Place Books/Ravenna [see my review below]plight (n.1): late Old English pliht,“danger, harm, trouble...
Bichir and snakefish; early ray-finned fish radiations. Armoured and similar fish today. Armoured fish of the past; some convergent evolution within ray-fins. Convergence- and homology- of amphibious nature in fish is another evolutionary pattern exemplified here. Gorgeous fossils of ray-finned fis...
也许一年前加入了Windows Azure现在会过的更好,but you never know,另一个平行世界中的我现在如何,无法知道。重要的是,现在的工作很好,学到很多又有更多新的想法,然后不用每天自己做饭。 A的手艺确实出乎我的意料,在一条红烧鲤鱼和一碗鱼香茄子后,我赶快识相地收起“我做饭你洗碗”的调子,安安心心地写我的code...