YouTubeBehaviorCitizen science has emerged as an important tool in biology, ecology, and conservation studies. In this paper, we examined YouTube (YT) videos featuring the behaviour of red (Sciurus vulgaris) and grey (Sciurus carolinensis) squirrels in Europe, in both urban and forest habitats...
I prefer natural and homemade alternatives when I have the option. But there are rare occasions when I’ll stick to my guns on a particular product, and one of those products is WD-40. Why do I feel so strongly about a spray lubricant, you might ask?
Scottish deerhounds have a high prey drive.As a sighthound, the deerhound's instinct is to chase anything that moves — squirrels, cats, cars. Deerhounds are also swift — they can run a mile in two minutes — and should only be let off-leash in a secure area. A six-foot fence is ...
It's been driving you all crazy! You've been texting, calling and even stopping us in the street to take a guess. And no, Googling it will get you nowhere. It came from our actual brains! It's worth a minimum of €250 with €50 added each day its not guessed correctly. Full ter...
and danced in and out of the sanctified holy place flying in the air, oh how little do they care that the lilac is starting to bud in December how little they care that the air smells like April that the grass is greening in December little do they care that the irises are starting…...
, Fun and Games, Fun With Islam, Media Matters Not, Military, Smells Like Cedar, War I have to admit that I am snickering still over the Mossad’s targeted beeper offensive against Hezbollah … who ought now to go by the nic of “Hezball-less” – snickering in those intervals ...
maybe because it was so thin due to lack of foods and the poo is liquid brown and smells bad. a few hours in the afternoon it dead. but before it died i keep on put food into the mouth from my palm and that time i only had a nail point wound and bleeding. would it possibly ...
(s) to be deeply and truly happy, and what you can do to try to provide it. I write this knowing that some of you have deeply troubled dogs, or dogs who are struggling with serious health issues. For them, all we can do is strive for “as happy as is possible,” which of ...
We used Monte Carlo simulation to obtain p-values without assuming asymptotically normal behaviour from small cell count (degrees of freedom do not go into the equation at any stage of the computation, so there is no reason to report them). Specifically, we tested the independence between “...