Dogs may chase squirrels with liveliness due to their keen sense of smell and pursuing impulses, which might result in confrontations. Dogs are unable to climb trees, so they pursue squirrels until they tire out. If the squirrels manage to climb a tree, the dogs will wait for them to desce...
You canplant rodent-repelling flowers, such as daffodils. These flowers havebulbs that taste and smell too strongfor animals to enjoy. Planting bulbs that squirrels don’t like will help you save your flower garden, but won’t keep them away from any fruiting plants. Predator Urine You can ...
Stephens argues that the space in the middle, where I believe the vast majority of retail jewelers reside, will, quite simply, go away. (On a trip to Ohio recently, I had one retailer tell me that his store’s mantra is to be “the best quality and the lowest price.” There isn...
When your life is turned upside and nothing seems to be going right, you burn sage to cleanse the bad energy from your life. We’re not sure if it actually works, but some cultures believe it does. According to Proflowers, it will keep the mosquitoes away even if it doesn’t keep aw...
Alex is passionate about natural canine health and wellness. She is driven to explore topics like holistic care, nutrition and alternative therapies for dogs. She actively works to keep Dogs Naturally the go-to web destination for anyone seeking natural health advice for their dog. Her dog Radar...
Keep trees trimmed away from the house (at least three feet). Did you know: pet feces can attract rodents? Keep your yard clean. What if they’re rats, how to tell the difference? Mouse droppings are smaller (less than a 1/4″ in length), rats have larger feces (typically larger th...
When your life is turned upside and nothing seems to be going right, you burn sage to cleanse the bad energy from your life. We’re not sure if it actually works, but some cultures believe it does. According to Proflowers, it will keep the mosquitoes away even if it doesn’t keep aw...
Keep Pumpkins Away from Critters TSM Media Center and Canva Keep Pumpkins Away from Critters Keeping your jack-o-lanterns off the ground will keep insects and pesky squirrels at bay. (Sure, you believe that if you want, but I'm not buying it!) ...
Squirrels seem to be the vermin of choice among most normal canine. Wouldn’t you know The Doll’s pooch seems to be the only weirdo to go after crows! At least I don’t have the same issues my poor cousin Pooks has had recently with her pooch, Zuca. One week he fell down a ...
Keep Pumpkins Away from Critters Keeping your jack-o-lanterns off the ground will keep insects and pesky squirrels at bay. (Sure, you believe that if you want, but I'm not buying it!) Make Pumpkin Spray TSM Media Center and Canva ...