12V circuit is alow-voltageelectric circuit. It’s primarily used in most batteries. To produce larger amounts of electric power (wattage), we usually need quite a lot of amps. That means we needrelatively big 12V cable sizes. Now, how do you figure out what size wire you need for a ...
. I never took classes in EE as school are too slow for me. I can still study electronics quite fast, I studied the audio power amp design book in like 2 months a few years back and designed quite a few amps that compare very good with power amps that are in $5K+ range. I ...
(former) darkroom to make way for lasers. (Who does wet photography anymore? I even recycled parts of my home-built enlarging timer: its relays went into a home-built argon ion laser power supply and its aluminum box is now the chassis for a lab style HeNe laser power supply.) But ...