Having a partner who has your back on the road is a relief, but even better is having the skills to navigate challenging situations confidently. At TDI, we offer an affordable, immersive training program, led by experienced instructors, to take you from novice to road-ready in just three we...
As you’d expect, emergency logistics frequently involves coordinating multiple transportation modes, including air lifts, specialised ground transport, and temporary storage facilities in disaster zones. The system you’re using must be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions and priorities while ma...
sanitiser and – in some instances – distancing.The wearing of masks indoors and on public transport is close to one hundred percent, whetheror not they are demanded. Outdoors, in most situations, they appear to be worn by at least 98percent of people...
Please note, travel restrictions change frequently. Readers must take responsibility for verifying information through official sources like the State Department and CDC, in respect to their specific situations. No responsibility can be accepted by Intentional Travelers for action or inaction as a result ...
If you've had a delayed, overbooked or canceled flight in the past three years, you might be entitled to compensation from your airline. Find out what you're owed with our eligibility checker. Summary of your rights for airline flight disruptions Under UK Regulation 261, you’re entitled ...
There is no standardized form for a certificate of origin. Usually, the exporter or the manufacturer prepares the document. It might require an official certification by an authorized third party, such as a chamber of commerce. It is recommended that the exporter verifies with the buyer and/or...
one part of a supply chain doesn’t mean the savings would be worth the cost of introducing exceptions to otherwise standardized procedures. Good leaders will pay attention to and thoughtfully consider situations where exceptions produce more value than they take away by adding friction to the ...
1 Sodoingthingsdifferentlymighttakeabitofeffortatfirst,butyou?ll soonfeelthebenefits.Whetherit?slearningaskill,orvisitingsomewherenew,theseallrequire differentwaysofthinking. “Lifelonglearningrequiresustohaveagrowthmindset,toupsizeourknowledgeofthe world,”sayshealthcoachSusanSanders.“ 2 It?sthelearningthat...
theyyetreactto uncertainsituations withthe sameskilloranticipationofanattentivehuman driver,nordotheypossesstheforesighttoavoid potentialperils.Theylargelydrivefrom moment to moment,ratherthanthinkaheadtopossible eventsliterallydowntheroad. Toaself-drivingcar,abusfullofpeople mightappearquitesimilartoanuninhabitedcor...
shipment and may face delays during transit. This can raise questions about their ability to meet delivery deadlines and is a significant risk for FOB Destination transactions. Sellers should have contingency plans to manage potential delays and communicate effectively with buyers in such situations. ...