Here, with the exception of Tandy we have Terry Williams (on drums) and John David (on bass) who have been regular Edmunds sidemen (on and off) going back to his band Love Sculpture in the 1960s. And, they have similar musical tastes to Edmunds. Though the album comes out a little ...
Through your connections you have been able to find out the names of all the people on the nominating committees for the performers category, the non-performers category and the sidemen category. Would it be possible for you to find out the names of the people on the committee that decides ...
As a 'fan' in general of course I am biased, along with that I think there are too many inducted that should not be BUT as long as you have committed to induct several every year for publicity(?)then I can't fathom why perfomers such as Deep Purple and The Moody Blues are not alr...