The spleen is located between the stomach and the diaphragm, on the left side of the body. It is shaped like a fist and its main function is to clean blood, combat infection and get rid of old red blood cells. Pancreas The pancreas is shaped like a pistol and most of it lies on th...
The spleen is an organ of the lymphatic system of the body, which is responsible for maintaining fluid balance. The spleen, located under the ribs on the left side of the body and above the stomach, not only plays a vital role in fluid balance and infection control, it assists in the ...
Your spleen's main function isto act as a filter for your blood. It recognizes and removes old, malformed, or damaged red blood cells. When blood flows into your spleen, your spleen performs "quality control"; your red blood cells must pass through a maze of narrow passages. How do you...
The Spleen:The spleen is encapsulated lymphoid tissue. In fact, it is the largest mass of lymphoid tissue in the human body! The spleen functions as a storage site for platelets, a site of adaptive immune responses, and a filter to remove damaged or old red blood cells and platele...
Located in the center of the abdomen is a shallow depression known as the navel. In the medical field this is more commonly called the umbilicus and is referred to as the "belly button" by the general population.Answer and Explanation: ...
If you haven’t tried pickleball yet, head to the newBosse(located in the old Natick Mall at 310 Spleen St.) for a premium experience. The complex offers courts, classes, and open play. Each court has lounge-style seating, and there’s a cafe and enoteca serving pizza from Boston Chops...
What side of the body is the pancreas on? The pancreas is located behind the stomach inthe upper left abdomen. It is surrounded by other organs including the small intestine, liver, and spleen. It is spongy, about six to ten inches long, and is shaped like a flat pear or a fish exten...
Structurally and anatomically, the pancreas is divided into head, neck, body and tail (from right to left). The head is present within the concavity of the duodenum whereas the tail of the pancreas lies in the hilum of the spleen.
What organ system does the spleen belong to? What organ secretes insulin? Which organ system contains the pancreas and pituitary and adrenal glands? What organ system contains the liver? What cavity is the pancreas located in? What organ system does the thymus belong to?
from those found in the ears. However, the majority of the senses are interpreted in the brain. In the brain, the incoming nerve impulses undergo complex integration and coordination processes that result in the perception of sensory information and various responses inside and outside the body. ...