Make it specific: Avoid vague or overly broad statements. Your thesis should focus on a particular aspect of the topic. Support it with evidence: Your argument should relate to and support your thesis. Tip: Ask yourself, "Can someone reasonably disagree with my thesis?" If the answer is yes...
We understand that the status of your manuscript has not changed since the resubmission and the journal has requested you to wait a little longer. We recommend you write to the journal again to inquire about the status of the manuscript and request the journal to share the tentative time to ...
I should draw my answer from its ancient designation of a Studium Generale, or “School of Universal Learning.” This description implies the assemblage of strangers from all parts in one spot—from all parts;else, how will you find professors and ...
If the reviewer gives a lot of critical comments and requests for modification, what are the correct attitudes we should have?A The reviewers are giving us hard time on my paper.B The r 28、eviewer is incompetent because he cannot understand what I write.C We should modify our paper ...
I submitted my article to one of Springer's journals through Editorial Manager. 10 days after submission, the status changed to ‘Editor Assigned.’ Now, four weeks are gone, but the status has remained unchanged. Answer to this question ...
开拓思维I should now like to argue that the social science Chapter 4: Causation in HistoryMain idea of this chapter: To recognize the role of accidents on the development of history, but never overstress it to the point of making it into an ontology.In a group or a nation which is ...
MALE STUDENT: So, you're not writing any poetry, I imagine… FEMALE STUDENT: No. I was actually thinking about revising some of my poems and sending them in to places for publication. MALE STUDENT: Cool. You should.Um, did you hear about that new poetry club—the "Poetry Kitchen"?
statement, organize all your research and supporting information. Analyze your data and identify whether it is relevant to your research topic. A thesis should be persuasive. Acknowledge that there could be multiple sides to your argument, while also keeping your thesis specific, comprehensive, and ...
The caption should briefly explain the content of the figure or table and its significance to your research. 2. Use your word processor's reference tools: Most word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word) has built-in features for managing references and creating lists of figures and tables...
And during all our meetings so far, we haven’t really discussed my topic, the chapters of my thesis, my research questions, the literature I should be looking at, or the instruments I need for answering my research questions What should I do?? phd ethics ad...