You have to make sure your compost pile gets: Plenty of air: Turn it every four to seven days, especially at first. Adequate water: It should be moist, but not soaking wet; give it a spray weekly. Proper mix of carbon to nitrogen: the ratio should be about 30:1. Small pieces: ...
While weeds are plant matter and are technically compostable when green or dried, they are best burned or disposed of elsewhere. Weeds are among the things you should not compost. The heat generated by composting may not be enough to properly destroy weeds, resulting in weed seeds spreading thr...
the compost should be ready for garden use. See the Rodale Guide to Composting in your library for more information on hot composting. Advantages & disadvantages This method produces a high-quality compost in a short time utilizing a substantial input of labor. ...
Should I spread compost on my lawn? Yes, treating your lawn with compost is a great way to keep it green and healthy. If you are putting in a new lawn, spread a layer of compost that’s two to three inches thick over the top of the soil before planting the grass. Then dig to mi...
I learned this lesson the hard way.Compost ingredients include every part of the plant—leaves, stalks, and roots. In considering what to compost, you should know that each part of the plant contributes something unique to the compost pile.It...
Do you ever have a class in a boat?Do you put the foodyou leave ever into a compost box?That’s all part of a school day at Barnard School. 您是否保留鱼在您的教室在学校?您是否有类在小船?您是否放foodyou事假入天然肥料箱子?那是一个教学日的所有部分在Barnard学校。[translate]...
This guide answers all your questions about compost, including what goes into the pile, what stays out, where to keep your bin, and what is composting.
Compost activator, also known as compost inoculate, is a mixture of micro-organisms and nutrients that are added to a compost pile to speed up the breakdown of fruit and vegetable scraps. Compost piles take a while to decompose naturally, which can draw fruit flies and odors to your pile. ...
Those who want to gild the compost by adding soil amendments should add them when the compost is finished and ready to be used in the garden. It is important to add a wide variety of ingredients to the pile to ensure a diverse ...
aI buy this for a friend birthday gift. She likes it very much light weight and long battery life. The system is easy to use. The design is very clear for the display. 16 gb is not enough to use. It should be at least 32gb for I pad users. Ipad can not expand memory. Compare ...