Gregorius vs Correa For a guy coming in to replace a legend, Sir Mariekson Julius “Didi” Gregorius has had a fine year for the Yankees. He’s got a sickMizuno GMP400and mixes in some shoe game where he can, in BP. We saw him with somecustom Kyrie 1s. View image|
but that means very little), this is just the latest example of how powerful brands think the celebrity co-sign is. And when we say celebrity co-sign, we're not counting athletes. Athletes have to wear technical sneakers and be sure companies are taking enormous steps year after...
Kyrie (n.) See Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison () Greek words, meaning "Lord, have mercy upon us," used in the Mass, the breviary offices, the litany of the saints, etc. Kyrie eleison () The name given to the response to the Commandments, in the service of the Church of England and...