scala>import scalaz._import scalaz._scala>import Scalaz._import Scalaz._scala>def validate(text: String): Validation[String, Boolean] = {|text.find{ _.isUpper } match {|case Some(character) => "'%s' is not a valid string".format(text).fail|case _ => true.success|}|}validate: (tex...
The investigation team is trying to determine what caused the explosion. (调查小组正在试图确定是什么导致了这次爆炸。) 注意事项 在使用“what caused it”时,要确保上下文中有明确的“it”所指代的内容,否则可能会造成理解上的困扰。 这个短语通常用于对已经发生的事情进行原因分析,因此常用于过去时态的句子中。
Dragon Age Writer Says EA Should Have Followed Baldur’s Gate 3 But Is ‘Short-Sighted & Self-Serving’ 51m 20° 0/10 Approvals 9.0/10 SCP: Fragmented Minds Review - GamesReviews 48m 50° Fresh1 If You Thought Super Mario World Needed To Be 3D...
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293. SCP 组件 SCP 组件 293.1. URI 格式 293.2. 选项 选项 293.2.1. 路径名(3 参数): 293.2.2. 查询参数(22 参数): 293.3. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration 293.4. 限制 293.5. 另请参阅 294. Camel SCR (已弃用) Camel SCR (已弃用) 294.1. Camel SCR 支持 294....
dfatociilnitdautcieng the CPP-mceodnfioartmedatiionntarlacaenlldu/loarr sdorluubgilidtyelivvaerriya.tioTnws obeptwriemenarythme eptholoydmserwearned adCaPpPste, dobtotaiancinhgievae this pH-resCpPoPn-smivedeiadtreudgindtrealicvelelurylasrturaptteakgey.oFf itrhset,dtrhueg-alofoardeemd ecan...
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Mchoarnegoevgere,nae teexnpdreenssciyonto, scphlaicningge,gteonpeoleoxgpyr,eassswioenl,l sapslciceilnl gb,iotochpeomloigsytr,yaaslswoehllaassbecelnl sbhiocwhnem[7i]s.try also has been showNn u[7m].erous limitations of 2D cell cultures initiated work on three-dimensional (3D) cultures...
It is thus necessary to determine whether herbivores can maintain their elemental and metabolic homeostasis under changes in the plant source intake to further understand any potential impact on the structure of trophic webs. Ecometabolomics, the study of the ecosystem structure and function through ...
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