Scented geraniums(Pelargonium):This favorite flower repels Japanese beetles and cabbageworms. Rue (Ruta):The strong scent of therue plant repels ants and beetles alike. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium):This plant repels bees and flies because it contains pyrethrin. Parsley(Petroselinum):Parsley is kno...
While there’s no solid evidence that companion planting is beneficial, it’s certainly not going to hurt your plants. At the very least, interplanting many different varieties of edibles andflowersadds beauty, increases diversity to protect plant health, andbrings pollinators to your garden, and...
Alliums like chives, garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots have a strong scent that repels numerous garden pests away fromdifferent bok choyplants. These include aphids, cabbage worms, slugs, spider mites, and whiteflies in addition to larger garden thieves like deer and rodents. Avoid growing mem...