If squirrels won’t leave your garden alone even after you’ve tried everything else, it may be time totry urine. Squirrels have a strong sense of smell and are extremely fearful. With both these attributes together, spreading a predator’s scent around the area can have major advantages. ...
Scottish deerhounds have a high prey drive.As a sighthound, the deerhound's instinct is to chase anything that moves — squirrels, cats, cars. Deerhounds are also swift — they can run a mile in two minutes — and should only be let off-leash in a secure area. A six-foot fence is ...
Squirrels seem to be the vermin of choice among most normal canine. Wouldn’t you know The Doll’s pooch seems to be the only weirdo to go after crows! At least I don’t have the same issues my poor cousin Pooks has had recently with her pooch, Zuca. One week he fell down a ...
Tyres Need Traction The New Taoiseach The New Total Travellers Need Tickets The Next Time Try Next Time The Next Thing Tae Not Tea That Nasty Tate Totally Need This Till Next Time Thoughts Need Taming Top Notch Tayto The Next Trend Time Not Toys This Not That Today Not Tomorrow Thursday Nig...
Lyme disease is a bacterial infectionspread to humans from squirrels, mice, or other small mammals by ticks contaminated withBorrelia burgdorferi. It is the most common infection caused by tick bites in the U.S.; so named for the Connecticut town where the disease was first documented and stud...
Lyme disease is a bacterial infectionspread to humans from squirrels, mice, or other small mammals by ticks contaminated withBorrelia burgdorferi. It is the most common infection caused by tick bites in the U.S.; so named for the Connecticut town where the disease was first documented and stud...
Mercifully, when it starts to get cold even the mosquitoes start to back off a little right? Well most of them do. And you do tend to notice the stink bugs trying to get inside and find a nice warm place for the winter. But for some strange reason, it seems like the gnats get ...
But the really frightening thing is that it is not beautiful at all, I just think it is. All the people who walk past day and night and day and night and all the cats and dogs and rabbits and squirrels and skunks and possums and chipmunks. They get in and out of everything and ...
A Cardinal. What is a man's favorite bird? A Swallow. What bird does drugs? A Junco. What bird wears a toupee? A Heron. What bird is in a band? A Rock Dove. What bird can't walk straight? A warbler. What bird parties the most? A Raven!
Industrious squirrels are running around likecrazy trying to gather up enough provisions to last them throughthe winter.Once Halloween is over, winter, like some capable tax collector,sets in, concisely and silently. Before I realize it the river iscovered in thick ice and the boats have ...