绘本《3-6(毛毛虫点读)What’s In the Witch’s Kitchen》,Nick Sharratt 绘本内容 What’s in the witch’s kitchen? 女巫的厨房里有什么 这个故事可以让小朋友了解国外万圣节的文化。书中的翻翻页的设计非常的巧妙,可以同时向两个方向翻,小朋友们会得到不同的东西。女巫的冰箱里有什么?往左边翻就是身上有...
绘本《What’S In The Witch’S Kitchen?》,Walker Books 绘本内容 1When you open the special magic flaps,will you get yummy surprises or yucky shocks?! VIP会员查看更多完整内容。 微信搜索「布克船长亲子故事」,关注领取价值128元VIP会员的3天体验期。
What’s in the witches’ kitchen? 女巫的厨房里有什么。这个故事可以让小朋友了解国外万圣节的文化。书中的翻翻页的设计非常的巧妙,可以同时向两个方向翻,小朋友们会得到不同的东西。女巫的冰箱里有什么?往左边翻就是身上有跳蚤的蝙蝠,往右边翻就是美味的奶酪。女巫的碗里有什么呀?往左边翻是好吃的爆米花,...
Britain's most popular artist presents a brilliantly original format that very young children will delight in time and again. The witch has hidden a trick and a treat in her magical kitchen cupboards! Which one you find depends on how you open the doors. Whether its frogspawn or popcorn, lo...
00:00/00:00 孩宝小镇《绘本每日鲜》第19期:What's in the Witch's kitchen? 拳击那点事2021.07.08 00:00 +1 首赞 孩宝小镇《绘本每日鲜》第19期:What's in the Witch's kitchen? …
Peek inside a witch’s kitchen, and you’ll either smile or shriek! Cool two-way flaps offer humor and heebie-jeebies in this neon-bright novelty book. Those who dare to poke around in a witch’s kitchen should be prepared for what they find! Will it be tasty treats or terrifying beas...
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简介:全国首届最会讲故事妈妈大赛最佳人气奖得主,英文阅读推广人,书香中国领读者,英语专业八级,帮助数千家庭从英文绘本中自然习得英语。微信公众号:凯西讲故事。 TA的专辑 更多 凯西大楠亲子共读456 Tip Top Readers28.7万 小鼠波波Maisy系列【双语版】55.5万 ...
【点读版】What’s in the Witch’s Kitchen? 翻翻立体书 女巫的厨房有什么? 英国名家Nick Sharratt作品【平装】 吴敏兰书单 第25本 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:6元 服务收货后结算 商品评价 暂无评价 小彼恩点读商城 进店逛逛 为你推荐 ...
内容简介:Peek inside a witch's kitchen, and you'll either smile or shriek! Cool two-way flaps offer humor and heebie-jeebies in this neon-bright novelty book. Those who dare to poke around in a witch's kitchen should be prepared for what they find! Will it be tasty treats or terrifyi...