Independent.(ASK THE RABBIS: What healing alternatives to modern medicine does Judaism offer?)Maron, MiriamWinkler, Gershon
In a bibliodrama, we ask ourselves to walk in one character’s shoes—or in this case, sandals—and imagine what it feels like to be them in one particular moment. On that Shabbat, six years ago, I was drawn to the character of Joshua, who was taking on a new leadership role after...
Jonathan Levi: That's amazing and I think it's really interesting, you know, I recently learned about kind of the origins of modern Judaism, even though growing up with it and in a homo deuce, I believe you all know Harare's book and he talks about this, you know, when the second...
and theShabbat.The rabbis expandedthe rangeofpractices to cover all aspects of ordinarylife, actionsthatcan be performed by anyindividual, notjust priests, in anyplace,not onlyinthe Temple.But for all their differences, bothIsraelite biblical religionandrabbinicJudaism are primarilyfocused on howtoact...
“1927: On October 28th, the'Jewish Tribune of New York,'states in an article,'Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?'Also speaking on this subject, the well known rabbi, Isaac Wise, states,'Freemasonry is a Jewish establ...
(later,the Jewishnation) andGod.The principles andethics ofJudaismhadinfluencedChristianityandIslam,as wellassome non-Abrahamicreligions.ManyofitstextsandtraditionsarecentraltootherAbrahamicreligionsandprovidedthefoundationforWesternChristianity.ItsinfluenceisseeninbothsecularandecclesiasticalaffairsintheWesternsociety,...
DE NIEUWE KERK At Amstel 51, the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel presents this impressive collection of dioramas made by Rita Maasdamme (1944–2016). The dolls tell the history of the former Dutch colonies from the unique perspective of enslaved people, Maroons, and the Indigenous population. ...
Sephardic.(ASK THE RABBIS: What healing alternatives to modern medicine does Judaism offer?)Maroof, Joshua
Conservative.(ASK THE RABBIS: What healing alternatives to modern medicine does Judaism offer?)Weintraub, Simkha Y
Renewal.(ASK THE RABBIS: What healing alternatives to modern medicine does Judaism offer?)Weiner, ShohamaGross, Nadya