Keep in mind that some of these may be avoidable, while others are generally not. For example, the Card Sound Bridge is one of only two ways that you can enter or leave the Florida Keys. Preparing for Toll Roads If you’re planning a trip to Miami, what’s the best thing you can ...
It’s important to watch out for post-storm issues such as broken glass, exposed nails, unstable structures, electrical wiring, and contaminated water. Inform local officials if you see downed power lines, washed out roads, or additional changes that could pose a threat to the community. ...
I stuck to houses outside of the city, and there were a couple of very promising ones, but the highways passing through their respective valleys, even when fairly distant, sent car noises far across the landscape — usually not loud, but definitely noticeable — and made those houses undesira...
The Florida Keys offer great opportunities for sun and fun—and a little bit of history at Fort Jefferson, the largest brick building in the Western hemisphere. The fort served as a prison during the Civil War, requiring over 16 million bricks to complete, with many shipped from Maine. Guide...
diversity. For instance, cruising down the hilly streets of San Francisco is a delight. Steep roads follow the contours of ancient dunes. This sharp topography became the foundation of the city. Meanwhile, its skyscraper-dotted skyline serves as a panoramic backdrop. You can take in the... ...
Did you go to Lakes Jam? Did you have a great time? Do you think you had a great time, but maybe can't remember exactly what happened for most of it? Perhaps you woke up one morning and realized you couldn't find your phone, your keys, your sunglasses; or possibly even your walle...
conduct. Aware of our young nation's need for engineers, Thayer made civil engineering the foundation of the curriculum. For the first half century, USMA graduates were largely responsible for the construction of the bulk of the nation's initial railway lines, bridges, harbors and roads. ...
forever to be acknowledged as a trailblazer amongst black women both inside her field and across the globe. It goes to show that Country Roads do indeed take you “to the place where you belong” — even if it’s not always inside theserivers and lakes that she’s used tohollers and ...
On the late night news, they're already talking school closings, possible accumulation of almost a foot, treacherous icy roads with limited visibility. “Don't go out and drive in that,” I tell him. “Just stay here.” “I'll be fine, it's not even a mile.” “Don't be silly,...
miles past the bridge i pull off the road, detach the fastrak, and stuff it into the duffle bag in my trunk, where its signal can't be detected. nor will it note that i then double back on rural roads to i-5 and drive south through the night, cutting east at bakersfield. there ...