I too have been guilty of leaning on nursery rhymes to soothe a bawling toddler. Yes that is the trouble. We’re so busy strutting about like zombies starved for time that we look for quick fix solutions for everything. Even the things that matter like relationships, parenting, friendships....
Meditate, either formally or simply by sitting in a comfortable chair, closing your eyes, and focusing your attention on your breathing. Count your breaths if it helps clear your mind. Do this for 10 minutes. Then spend another minute or two getting a sense of your “here and now.” Be ...
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queer studies, 1960s American history, and environmental literature at one of the coolest progressive schools I’m aware of—The Athenian School in the East Bay. Athenian is nestled at the foot of Mount Diablo, and I get to hike, meditate, and write poetry with my students during many ...
You feel at one with nature. Nature is cyclical and depends on a cycle where every part helps another. Trees produce acorns that squirrels eat and flowers make pollen for the bees. Meditate on this cycle of life no matter what you’re caught up in to always remember what’s important. ...