Poetry is a lot of things to a lot of people. Homer's epic, "The Odyssey," described the wanderings of the adventurer, Odysseus, and has been called the greatest story ever told. During the English Renaissance, dramatic poets such as John Milton, Christopher Marlowe, and of course, Willia...
I asked with some suspicion. “My dad’s teaching me Latin.” He grinned. Koine Greek was the business form of the poetic literary Greek used by Homer. It spread through the conquests of Alexander the Great. Like the Greeks, the Romans had numerous cases in the language. The widespread ...
ß His creation: family history/prototypes原型/ the town of Oxford(Jefferson)/His greatgrandfather, William Clark Falkner(Colonel Sartoris) /Mary Louise Neilson & Jack Barrona, Yankee street paver 铺路工(Emily &Homer) ß His concerns: southern aristocratic 贵族 families/American South/human situ...
The premise is that there is an ancient map to a location that harbours the “lotos” eaten by the Greeks in Homer’s Odyssey. In the Odyssey, the lotos cures the Greeks of their ills and makes them feel mighty fine, to boot, if a bit sleepy and not inclined to continue on their ...
Once you understand the structures, rhymes and types of poems, it will be easier to interpret their meaning. A poem also has many literary devices like the repetition of the first letter of adjacent words (alliteration) or lines (refrain) to emphasize or lay stress on an idea. A poem may...
7. Homer:A tribute to the patriarch ofThe Simpsons. Mmmm, doughnuts. 8. Popsicle:It just sounds funny. Fun fact:Fatherwas spelled with aDin place of aTHuntil as recently as the late 1500s, though the term itself dates back to the time when Old English was spoken. Dadwas first recorded...
Greek tragedy is a comment on the Iliad...” From the Greeks he proceeds to Rome eventually: “Virgil was actually incapable of imitating Homer; he wrote a parody...” and “Tacitus is not only the greatest writer of the Latin language, he is the greatest writer of classical antiquity....
BEARSS AVENUE [Correct pronunciation rhymes with FIERCE] In 1894, 51-year-old New York born Rev. Isaac Ward Bearss visited Magdalene, Florida, from his home in Trenton, Missouri, looking for a new home. Searching for a more hospitable climate for health reasons, Rev. Bearss found 600 acres...
Ring-a-round the rosie, A pocket full of posies, Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down. Like many nursery rhymes and folk songs, many varieties exist. The British version of the song has a slightly different third line, with “A-tishoo! A-tishoo!” rather than “ashes.” Folklore scholars ...
Ajax– From Greek mythology: a hero in Homer’s epic, Iliad, about the Trojan War known for his strength and courage. Bella– The feminine form of the Latin word for beautiful. Also, coincidentally, Latin for wars. So bella bella means beautiful wars. ...