SKELETON Sharks (like theGoblin Sharkpictured above) have no bones; their skeleton is made of cartilage. TEETH DO SHARKS SLEEP? INTELLIGENCE HABITAT MIGRATION OF SHARKS EXTINCT SHARKS ENDANGERED AND PROTECTED SPECIES The Basking shark, a species in decline. ...
skeleton is made of cartilage. Rays and sharks are a type of fish that have no bones, onlycartilage. Some parts of their skeleton, like their vertebrae, are calcified. Cartilage, a strong fibrous substance, is softer than bone; our nose and ears are made of cartilage. Even the ray’s s...
Skeleton Bone Writing(bending Qtips!) – We useQtipsa lot over here for learning games like this one. Bending those Qtips is a great way to make the curvy parts of the letters. Having children manipulate objects to form letters is a very powerful learning opportunity. Re-useable Alphabet Pap...
do away with throw out put an end to forget about take away withdraw waive chuck in turf mothball nix put off put on ice Verb ▲ To remove the testicles of an animal or person castrate neuter fix desex geld emasculate steriliseUK sterilizeUS caponize spay doctor desexualize eunuchize un...
I’ve studied your Terran elephant and chameleon and it combines aspects of both of these, with the tongue having several layers of fine muscle fibres as in the former animal, and the “power amplifier” catch mechanism of the latter, thus providing a superior combination of control and speed...
Fauna comes from two Greek words ‘Faunus’, the name of a Roman god and ‘Fauna’, the name of a mythical Roman goddess. It is a collective noun that is used to describe all the animal life in a particular region. Importance of flora and fauna ...