In 1941 the pressure was somewhat alleviated (缓和) for Britain when Germany attacked the Soviet Union, and Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor. These acts of aggression propelled the Soviet Union and the United States into an alliance with Britain. With the unified efforts of anti...
Relating to the government or actions of the Confederate States. Confederate policies aimed to protect slavery. 10 Union Symbolized by the U.S. flag. The Union flag represented the fight for unity and abolition. 8 Confederate Symbolized by the Confederate flag. The Confederate flag is a controver...
Belonging to, represented by, or otherwise pertaining to a labour union. Actors have to be union to get work here. 1 Union The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or joined; junction; coalition; combination. 1 Union That which is united...
Officially, the USSR was a federal union of all of the different soviet socialist republics (hence the "U" before "SSR"). There were the main Union Republics, which represented different ethnic majorities, and there were the Autonomous Republics that represented ethnic minorities. The republics al...
nation-state or government should own and control the means of production – the Soviet Union represented this. Fascism, represented by Germany, Italy and Japan, supported a blend of public and private ownership of production, but always with central government planning dictating the means and ...
The USSR represented the Communist Nations (most of which were the USAs enemies) so we could not, as a Democratic nation, let them be more powerful (at risk of showing weakness to the rest of the world). The USSR had opposing views to the USA. 12. What are the two political parties...
the future the Congo and Niger Rivers and who would have access. It was agreed that the two rivers would be neutral territory. Colonies could be created if a nation had an adequate way to defend their area. The nations represented then subdivided the continent into 50 separate nations. ...
or supplemented it with more common items, like onions. That said, many state-owned restaurants did their best to offer good cuts of meat, punishing managers and food-distributors who misrepresented or cheated consumers. One Polish meat distributor,Stanisław Wawrzecki, was slain formeat distribu...
adequately included in the core of global economic discussions and governance. It was not until a decade later, though, that the G20 effectively replaced the G8, which was made up of the original G7 and Russia. The European Union was represented in G20 but could not host or chair the ...
Capitalism is defined as a mode of production in which business owners—the capitalists—own all of the means of production, including the factory, the tools and machinery, the raw materials, the final product, and the profits earned from their sale. Workers—labor—are hired for wages and ha...