I took a comparative religions course in college – many years ago – but I seem to remember that: 1) the Trinity was developed by and for Catholics (who were the only so-called Christians back then) 2) that the Trinity was in fact approved/ratified by the Council at Nicea around the...
Separate religions? No! Taken from what they know or understand? Yes! You can give someone an opinion, but it does not mean you can change their mind. God gave his people the commandments to live by , to separate themselves from the people of those times.The elements are still there, ...
Lutheran worshippers believe that the Bible is one of the most important sources of religious teaching and aspirations. Along with Catholic worshippers, they believe in such things as following the Ten Commandments and also if you follow in the word of God, your life will become a common ...
In Other Religions Should We Follow the 7 Heavenly Virtues The Seven Heavenly Virtues Chastity The word chastity means “the quality of being morally pure.” Note that chastity can relate to either sexual interactions or conduct, behavior, and intention generally. Synonyms of being chaste include ...
If the “Ten Commandments” was on every persons ‘to-do-list’ everyday – can you imagine what our world would be like? Could defund the police because there would not be any need for them etc. Living a good life, wouldn’t happiness be the by-product consumed by all? Know faith,...
Of all the world’s great religions, the only one for which the appellation ‘religion’ is wholly inaccurate is that of Christianity. Religion, with all its rituals, sacrifices and dogma, is man’s way of making himself acceptable toGod, while Christianity is a system where God makes man ...
The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles. Oxford, England, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1991. Primiano, Leonard Norman. "Halloween" in Encyclopedia of Religion. Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2005. What Life Was Like Among Druids and High Kings: Celtic Ireland, AD 400-1200. by the ...
to the admiration of others; he may have the knowledge of all tongues and languages, may understand all arts and sciences, may dive deep into the secrets of nature, may be profound in worldly policies, may have the theory of all religions, true and false; and yet, when he comes to...
God refers to the supreme being worshiped in monotheistic religions, creator of the universe, whereas Lord is a title that can refer to deity, nobility, or a figure of authority.
Of all the world’s great religions, the only one for which the appellation ‘religion’ is wholly inaccurate is that of Christianity. Religion, with all its rituals, sacrifices and dogma, is man’s way of making himself acceptable toGod, while Christianity is a system where God makes man ...