What religion came out of the Dark Ages? How did the Celts live? What was the religion of the Persian Empire? What was Athens' religion? What jewelry did the Celts wear? What was the religion of the Roman Empire before Christianity?
This became Christianity. This was the second split. All three religions worshipped the same God, but assigned different beliefs to that God. As for how Jesus can be the Son, it is much as @LostInParadise mentioned: he was the mortal version of God. He was the perfect man, put on ...
With multiculturalism came all sorts of adventures and challenges, including foreign religions, different languages, and conflicting cultural patterns. The religious life of Corinth was suitably varied, with vestiges of older Greek religion and its mysteries, as well as lots of newer cults brought by...
With respect to a people’s right and ability to preserve itself, natural law and divine law were not abolished by Christianity but supplemented. Christianity gives us ways of understanding conflict and negotiating for non-violent resolution that we may not have had before. However, it does not ...
BeforeChristianityappearedinRoma,ancientRomanswerepolytheists.Theyadoptedmany cultsfromotherreligions,fusingthemintotheirownreligion.AccordingtoGreekcultureand others’culture,theycreatedtheirowngodsandmyth,suchasJupiter,Juno,andVenus,whichbecomesubjectmatterfortheartist,writers,andarchitectsintheircreativeproduction. ...
Before The deity referred to as God was introduced by some clever person, who felt the need to control other people, the human race worshipped the Sun, Moon and stars etc. Then along came other clever people who formed religions, again to control people, and the leaders of these religions...
In many religions, deities are considered divine. 4 Sacred (of a duty or service) Regarded with deep respect. They performed the sacred rituals exactly as prescribed. 3 Divine Of, from, or like God. The priest shared his belief in divine love. 3 Sacred Religious rather than secular. Sacred...
Christianity has origins in the Old Testament which prophesied a Messiah. Shortly after the resurrection of Jesus, His followers were called Christians.
Christianity was always a pagan religion started in Egypt 200-300 years before Yeshua ministered as Second Adam. Not one of Yeshua’s disciples were crestianus “christian”). The Roman imperialists saw to it that it ,along with many of the other pagan religions in their wicked empire, were...
Answer and Explanation: The first religious goal was to retake Jerusalem and the surrounding area so Christian Pilgrims could visit Holy sites. Secondly, Pope Urban II was... Learn more about this topic: The Great Crusades | History, Timeline & End ...