A loving God wouldn’t only let Christians into heaven when the majority of people born into this world died without knowledge of the Bible or Jesus. One’s religion, or rebellion against a certain religion, is often based on the family born into whether it is Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, ...
The sixteen book series is set in the wake of 'The Rapture', the Christian eschatological event in which that religion's true believers are transported to heaven. What remainsof the world is shattered and chaotic, and from these ashes rises a Romanian politician promising to restore stability ...
Hitler carefully and purposefully used the word ‘exterminate’ the Jews. Not kill, not murder not put to death…exterminate. One murders or kills people, one exterminates insects or rats. Using that word subliminally is part of the reason Hitler was able to get an entire nation to help wit...
my parents decided that after 18 years it was time to move out of my childhood home. I went back to pack and it was a bittersweet day for all of us. My sister and I went into the basement with my parents and started reminiscing about all the good, no…great, times we’d had in...
The sense in English expanded after 1680 to mean “the jargon of criminals and vagabonds,” and from thence the word was applied contemptuously by any sect or school to the phraseology of its rival. Oct. 1: John Amos, ‘Good Times’ Dad, Dies at 84 Oct. 5: David Burnham, whose ...
I also came of age at a time- the early 1980’s- when the music of my parents generation (old time rock and roll on my dad’s side, adult contemporary on my mom’s side) was not something I cared very much about. I can remember all of it, mostly fondly, but my personal ...
When we hear alt-facts like “the south didn’t switch” or “Hitler was a socialist” or “taxation is theft” it isn’t always just fun and games ormistakes, it can be more a coordinated campaign to radicalize the west against the progressive left. ...
But my central Thesis of religion was reaffirmed again and again while researching this, which I am delighted to see in new material. ___ Well! What a personality we have in Donald Trump. This is what you Libs get for chasing off the Conservatives. Are you happy now? At least you ...
When I ask the girls what Remembrance Day is all about, they parrot, “To remember the soldiers who served their country in war,” which is what they’re told at school. When I ask, For which war was Remembrance Day created in 1931? they’re not sure. They’ve heard of Hitler but...
Religion is the human attempt to connect with God, whereas Christianity is God connecting with humanity through Christ. We can either do it our way or God's way, it is our choice. The fiery consumption of Nadab and Abihu is a biblical example of what will happen on Judgment Day to ...