Dear noble brothers, we are discussing a new lesson of this series about the Ayaat that start with, "O you who believe…", and the Ayah today is the following: (O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah and give up what remains (due to you) fromRiba(usury) (from now onward), if y...
The seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion upon realizing that each and every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy claims to be the one and only correct way for man.
said “Allah gave us two ears and two eyes so that we can hear and see more; but he gave us only one mouth, so we should speak with factual truth. Today, the freedom of religion in Xinjiang is unparalleled in any historical period in the past.”...
The only reason of this is that the Arabic language is the language of our religion. TheQuranwas revealed in Arabic.Allahsays: Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Quran that you might understand.(Al-Zukhruf 43:3) Just as theQurancame to us in Arabic, theSunnahof ourProphet (peace be up...
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“military intelligence”. Islam is a hateful and hate-filled religion. That is not a statement against individual Muslims, but rather against the barbaric dark ages bastard child of Christianity. Islam is one of the biggest threats in the world today, and most of those who suffer at its ...
Kabah / The House of Allah Kabah / The House of Allah old As-Salah / The Prayer The Sacred Months As-Saum / The Fasting Religion of Ibraheem pbuh Shafa’at / Intercession Siraat-al-Mustaqem / Upright straight path Hajj / Pilgrimage ...
What is the oldest religion? The word Hindu is an exonym, and whileHinduismhas been called the oldest religion in the world, many practitioners refer to their religion as Sanātana Dharma (Sanskrit: सनातन धर्म, lit. ...
“One who marries, has already guarded half of his religion, therefore he should fear Allah for the other half”. (At-Tirmidhi Hadith 3096 , narrated by Anas ibn Malik). There is great importance of Nikah in Islam as it saves the person to getting indulge in some major sins. Prophet Mo...
Enoch Adeboyequotes on god, religion 49 1 More Christian Humility Quotes A humble person is not one who thinks little of himself, hangs his head and says, "I'm nothing." Rather, he is one who depends wholly on the Lord for everything, in every circumstance. — David Wilkerson 172 ...