moksha, also spelled mokṣa, also called mukti, in Indian philosophy and religion, liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara). Derived from the Sanskrit word muc (“to free”), the term moksha literally meansfreedom from samsara. Which ashram belong to the householder when a...
“Buddhism is not about either believing or not believing in God or gods. Rather, the historical Buddha taught that believing in gods was not useful for those seeking to realize enlightenment. In other words, God is unnecessary in Buddhism, as ...
21It is this lattertype of definition,however,which was assumedby T.W.Rhys Davids 1908:307awhen he wrote about"Sects (Buddhist)"for the Encyclopediaof Religion and Ethics. Rhys Davids assumed the meaning of "sect in the European sense-i.e. of a body of believersin one or more doctrines...
But two, religion has also served—in a usually very, very small minority—the function of radical transformation and liberation. This function of religion does not fortify the separate self, but utterly shatters it—not consolation but devastation, not entrenchment but emptiness, not complacency but...
Instead, he believes it’showwe want that matters. Our well-being hinges on whether we grasp at our desires, doing anything to relieve the feeling, or whether we can instead coolly recognize our desires as they really are: little bubbles of impulse that perpetually form in our awareness, tic...