Because the Earth takes roughly 365 days to perform a “lap”, it is possible to do a little math and conclude that Mars must therefore complete its own “lap” in 687 days (this is known as the sidereal period of Mars). (See also this post on the cosmic distance ladder Instagram ...
Cosmic Inflation: Solving the Flatness & Horizon Problems from Chapter 28 / Lesson 12 14K Cosmic inflation is the explanation of the Big Bang theory involving rapid expansion of the universe. Learn how this theory seeks to solve two confounding problems observed in the universe that the Big ...
NASA's COBE satellite precisely mapped cosmic microwave background. (Image credit: NASA) Thanks to Hubble, "If you put in a box all the ways that dark energy might differ from the cosmological constant, that box would now be three times smaller," cosmologist Adam Riess of the Space Telescop...
Summarizes what we know about cosmic debris and delivers a thought-provoking analysis of what we still don’t know Contains suggested observational projects for amateur astronomers to find the objects discussed Presents a readable and digestible evaluation of the nature of matter ‘left over’ from ...
The concept of “Anthropocosmic” encompasses both “heaven” and “human”, where “heaven” refers to the natural world and “human” refers to human beings. Grim and Tucker point out that “for Confucians, humans are anthropocosmic beings in relationships, not anthropocentric individuals in ...
As such event horizons effectively act as cosmic gatekeepers preventing us from ever directly observing the secrets that lie at the heart of black holes. Yet they can reveal a great deal about the environment around them. Related:What happens at the center of a black hole?
Cosmic rays are particles that stream toward Earth from outside of our atmosphere. There are different kinds of cosmic rays, including galactic cosmic rays, which originate beyond Earth's solar system.Answer and Explanation: Cosmic rays are composed of super charged particles. The particles are ...
We review in these notes the recent results of the Pierre Auger Observatory related to ultra high energy cosmic rays. We describe the components of the observatory and the status of its operation. The observations related here cover the correlation with astrophysical sources and its implications, ...
The day after we are drawn into the intuitive waters of Pisces, Mercury andJupiterbring a focus to the mind. As planets dance in our cosmos, they form different angles to one another called aspects. Some cosmic positions and movements bring ease and flow, others tension and charge. A square...
The fast outflows emitting UV radiation reach velocities up to 10,000 kms−1kms−1 [25,26,27], which are detected in the ultra-violet (UV) with the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST/COS). Warm, ionized outflows have been detected through the [O III] ...