I.e and e.g. are commonly mixed up abbreviations due to their similar look and usage. When you have a list of examples, use e.g. which means 'for example.' Clarifying something? Use i.e. which means 'that is.'
Britain is not taking the problem of child sex abuse seriously enough Many perpetrators have been identified as coming from Mirpur, a city in the Kashmir region of Pakistan, with some noting cultural attitudes toward women and outsiders as contributing factors. Judge Gerald Clifton, who sentenced ...
The issue is even more complex when a disaster takes place in a region also affected by a political and security crisis, like in Aceh. Yet, the terminology of livelihood recovery has been utilized in every post-tsunami document published by donors since 2005, up to the point that the ...
Reclaimed water reuse in the Mediterranean region: some considerations on water resources, standards and bacterial re-growth phenomena. Problems related to wastewater reclamation and reuse in the countries of the Mediterranean region are discussed with reference to growing conflicts among a... C Nurizzo...
The preference for using a certain MC assessment tool also varies by geographic region, country, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status of the participants. For example, in Europe the KTK (Körperkoordination Test fur Kinder) [78,79]—a product-oriented non-sport specific gross motor coordination ...
of gender-related violence did in this context was enable the first collaboration between a Pride (LGBT+) organisation and LGBT+ Centre on the one hand, and, on the other hand, a women’s domestic abuse organisation, which in this case, was a network of organisations across the region. Th...
TFTelford(postcode, United Kingdom) TFTime of Flight TFTransfer Function(mathematics) TFThe Fog(movie) TFTissue Factor(blood coagulation) TFTwisted Fate TFTransfer Factor TFTrack & Field TFTreatment Facility(various organizations) TFTime-Frequency(physics) ...
The Loess Plateau is the third largest plateau in China, with an area of about 600,000 squarekilometers and an average altitude of 1000-2000 meters.Most of it is covered with 50-80 meters thickloess and it is the region with the most concentrated loess distribution and the largest coverage...
This is typical of Internet surveys that target samples representing the population on key demographic criteria (Johri et al. 2009; Miller et al. 2013; Schlesinger et al. 2012). By design, our sample was representative of the Canadian population by age, gender and region. However, our ...
RAK to host region's first WTTC Leaders Forum Gloria Guevara, president and CEO of WTTC, said the Forum is "a great space in which business leaders can meet with government, media and industry experts to share knowledge and plan for sector growth in the years ahead". RAK to host tourism...