Fortunately, some recent fossil discoveries have made the picture a little bit clearer.For example, a few years back, in Pakistan, they found the skull of a wolflike creature; it was about 50 million years old. Scientists’d seen this wolflike creature before, but this skull was different;...
“Thisisoneofthe majordiscoveriesofthe HubbleSpaceTelescopeinits32yearsof observation,”saidRogierWindhorst,aco-authorofthereport.Inrecentdecades,astronomers haveseengalaxiesatthatdistance,andevenfartheraway,butgalaxiesarecollectionsofbillionsof starsandtheverydistantoneshavetypicallybeennothingmorethansmudgesoflight....
ATheir discoveries have brought both benefits and disadvantages. BTheir main value is in teaching others. CThey act on an urge that is common to everyone. DThey tend to be more attracted to certain professions than to others. AHardy was writing about his own experience of exploration. ...
Many of history's greatest discoveries were made by curious people. People wondered how processes worked or how certain tasks could be done more effectively. Thanks to their curiosity, people now know far more about the world and ...
She is based out of LA so it is a little risky purchasing “sight unseen” but I went to see a couch she made (for a local family, who was kind enough to let me into their home to see it!) and both the couch and bedframe she made were impeccably done. I also have a chair ...
It added considerably to the map made by Shapley and Ames. In fact, his map had over 2700 clusters of galaxies. That is 2700 clusters of galaxies! Not just galaxies. But there's another aspect of Abell's work that makes this map so valuable to astronomers. He introduced a classification...
Drinks and mixers are always a great choice for anyone that enjoys good food and this year we love the non-alcoholic options available to enjoy over Christmas and throughout the year. A recent discovery isThe Dorset Ginger Companywho have made a delicious range of artisanal ginger-based drinks...
Blinkist has been around since 2012. It calls its summaries “15-minute discoveries” to indicate how long it takes to read a Blinkist summary. “Almost none of us,” the editors assure us, “have the time to read everything we’d like to read.” Well, yes, of course, “So many bo...
New discoveries, however, could speed up the process. "There are a number of breakthroughs that could take a lot less time than we think," Hopkins says. "It could change very quickly." But the rise of quantum computers has also sparked concerns over things like surveillance and hacking. ...
Other scRNA-seq discoveries have focused on vascular tissue in Arabidopsis leaves [117] and cotyledons [118]. In the case of leaves, an atlas encompassing all cell types within the vascular tissue, including the less-studied phloem parenchyma cells, was constructed. This atlas provided insights ...