to tell the truth, and everyone else, corporate leadership, politicians, academics, TV newscasters, lie to us so much and so constantly that Americans are just as much in the dark as to the true nature of their society as were Medieval serfs or Roman slaves." -- Michael Rivero ...
Michael Rivero owns What Really Happened. He is a podcaster, actor, anddirector. Advertising and a shop that sells merchandise generate revenue. Analysis / Bias They cover all the usual:The Clinton body count,false flags,global warming denial,Jewish Banker conspiracy,Vince Foster,9-11, etc. The...
Shaney Rollison, Mortgage Loan OfficerI recommend Dr. Brezinski to anyone who is being commanded by a school board to put their child on medication for ADD or ADHD. I got my son back because I happened to meet Dr. Brezinski at a business event and she took the time to speak to me a...
by OvidioRivero 12-07-2018 09:28 AM This is really disappointing. The capability in ArcGIS and in ArcGIS Pro 1.1 was not good enough and instead of making it better the solution was to get rid of it. I can see many uses to exporting models as scripts even if they don't work...
Mediation Solutions, Natalia Martin Rivero and Axel JC Brodehl blog Netbib Observing Hermann..., Clarsonimus (Non-legal) Radio Free Mike, Michael Scott Moore (Non-legal) Simon’s Blawg Team Sportmediation, Dr. Joachim Simen, Dr. Hans Joerg Schwartz & Dr. Marku...
Sir, frankly, I thought you, of all actors, would have had the "horse sense" to have chosen something else to do, rather than embody this character again; it's not funny, (except to a few elitist leftists) and was ultimatelynever really true. ...