Sometimes reading helps me but most often I tend to get stuck on the reading instead of the writing. I often check out a small pile of books from the library, determined to read all of them, work on my writing,andgo to work all at the same time. That’s when I end up procrastinat...
The Magic Box Apartment / Raúl Sánchez Architects The Patio Office / Tal Goldsmith Fish Design Studio Cube Hotel / SU Architects Minimalist Window - Pivoting | Vitrocsa The Contemporary Remodelling of Traditional Materials in Chinese Vernacular Architecture Be...
It may seem obvious that reading is good for us. It can be educational, and, as some say, it can “broaden the mind”. A good novel can make us happy or sad, or make us cry as we empathize with characters. The power of books was recognized a few years ago by the British charity...
I know the parks like the back of my hand and have tons of insider tips for all types of visitors. I’ve been there dozens of times in every season: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Summers in Disney World are hot, rainy, and can be brutal if you’re not properly prepared, while...
Some of the museum’s more popular attractions are “Right In Your Own Backyard” where guests can climb in a treehouse and crawl into a honeycomb and see what it’s like to live like a bee, and “Marty’s Machine Shop,” where visitors can put on safety gear and learn how to make...
If you’re alive in the twenty-first century (and you are if you’re reading this!), then you’ve almost definitely been the recipient of at least one piece of email marketing.Some of those emails have most likely been good, and some . . . not so good....
but has to do with having a plan about parenting. It doesn’t change the fact that screen time has little to do with reading time: when you read, all your imagination is on fire, you are active. Being passionate about an activity is not the same -obviously- as being addicted. Addictio...
I need to point out, they are often not the answers I expected, but are always the answers I need. If this sounds too fantastic to you and you want to stop reading, I’ll understand. But if you’d like a deeper connection with god (or whatever name you use), please keep reading....