Learn more about VALORANT’s Battlepass. FRESH PLACEMENTS: COMPETITIVE ACT II (AUG. 24) Don’t go acting like you’ve mastered Pearl yet or earned the Ascendent ranks. Get out there and reach new heights.
multiplayer games are enjoyed by friends grouping and playing together, but sometimes those friends can be at differing skill levels. With22 total ranks inValorant, having a group of five friends all be similar ranks can be tough. Riot makes it so that players are not allowed to group...
competitive queue where you all feel like you can challenge yourself to improve. As a secondary goal, this will also help push smurfs, or players who may have seen significant skill improvements, to higher ranks quicker.
Learn more about VALORANT’s Battlepass. FRESH PLACEMENTS: COMPETITIVE ACT II (AUG. 23) Don’t go acting like you’ve mastered Pearl yet or earned the Ascendent ranks. Get out there and reach new heights.