Chief Highest in office or rank; principal; head. Leader The first violin in a symphony orchestra; the concertmaster. Chief Principal or most eminent in any quality or action; most distinguished; having most influence; taking the lead; most important; as, the chief topic of conversation; the...
Chief refers to a leader recognized for authority within a specific domain, emphasizing a high rank or specialized role, while Boss is a general term for someone in charge of others, often used in workplace contexts.
adjective.highest in rank or authority: the chief priest; the chief administrator. most important; principal: his chief merit; the chief difficulty. What does Master Chief mean in the Navy? In short, a master chief is the senior-enlisted pay grade in the Navy (and Coast Guard). ... Bein...
Superior. Someone who has a higher rank or position than you, especially in a job. Point. Manner of expression is speaking. Mine is mine. People who are in charge of a company or organization. Staff. All the workers employed in an organization concerned as a group. Identify. To recognize...
cocos islands cocos is cocycle rank cod fillet cod liver oil unit cod-fishellong boat codajet codalltoin codanus codaoverture coddle deplore coddy code audit code agri code audit code breaker gba code cases code comments on the code datacode data code density code execution code for construct...
Fighting Games, RPGs and Platformers rank amongst my favourite genres so more of those would be great in general. I probably will have the Xbox Series X as my primary gaming system with my Switch as a secondary one (Kirby still remains my favourite game series; can't go without it) so...
Who was allowed to act in the Globe Theatre? Who directed Les Miserables? From what rank in society did Diego Velazquez's family come? What is the most common voice classification for males? What is the medium of Les Tres Riches Heures?
He says rank and file soldiers are undermined by “feckless civilian leaders and foolish brass,” adding that “the next commander in chief will need to clean house.” He mocks and misgenders transgender servicemembers and says the military is turning off recruits. “America’s white sons an...
Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Army are often referred to by this term. It mainly refers to the special style of haircuts that are received in Officer Candidate School. The haircut is a clear and easy way to identify an officer’s rank in the U.S. Army. ...
What are the top three security risks you are most worried about? (Please rank three) There are no 100% guarantees when it comes to IT security, and most of the CISOs surveyed think that cybersecurity breaches are inevitable. On the one hand, this is being realistic, while on the other...