还有2件事,跟几个好朋友多吹嘘过了,就是一位UIUC教授写书在preface里面感谢我来着,头一遭,还是很兴奋;还有就是一硅谷传奇人物主动来陶瓷问我要东西,由于我不知道who is who,3句话把他打发了,结果被老板… 2007 Spring,到现在没想好上什么课,是先修完PHD的core requirement,虽然对我来说确实是permanent head ...
Schools usually provide information on the GPA and class ranks of their admitted students, so you'll want to consider those factors as well. If you're on the low end of the middle 50% in test scores but way on the high end for GPA and class rank, it could be a match school. In ...