Tash Aw creates a lovable protagonist, Ah Hock, whose oral history unfolds from humble childhood in a fishing village to rapidly modernizing Malaysia and his (all-too-real) conflict with class and race. Mongolia The Blue Sky by Galsan Tschinag (Milkweed Editions, 2020) Buy Now: amazon.com...
Race is a label applied to individu- als and groups by others. By contrast, we actively construct our own ethnic identities. We negotiate and debate the meaning of symbols, the importance of 14 PART I ETHNIC MEDIA IN CONTEXT particular values, and the behaviors that are appropriate in a ...
Revving and burning tires in the rat race of fast paced Silicon Valley. Earning my keep as one of the Sales & Marketing lemmings for a vast high tech firm famous for its “garage.” Grew up partly in Davao but spent most of my years in sunny CA. Would love to follow your footsteps ...