Thus the whole past was symbolic, and typical of the future - the Old Testament the glass, through which the universal blessings of the latter days were seen. It is in this sense that we would understand the two sayings of the Talmud: All the prophets prophesied only of the days of the...
wouldneverspeakinthe nameoftheLordagain(seeJeremiah20:7,9.)EvenPeterand Paulhaddisagreements(seeGalatians2:11-14). JosephSmithunderstoodthathewasfalliblewhenhewrote: “Aprophetwasaprophetonlywhenhewasactingassuch.” 3 Onanotheroccasionhesaid:“Iamsubjecttolikepassionsas othermen,liketheprophetsofolden...